Euro MP Campaigns to Cut UK Long Working Hours Culture

A report claiming Britain's long working hours lead to an unhealthy, unproductive workforce has been launched by Green MEP for London Jean Lambert.

Mrs Lambert, vice-chair of the Green Party in the European Parliament and co-ordinator of the committee on employment and social affairs, called on the UK government to end the UK opt-out option from the working time directive's 48 hour working week ceiling.

She said: "We are now seeing record levels of sick leave due to long hours and stress. Sadly the British work culture is such that stress is seen as a weakness and so instead of being treated gets worse, costing both the individual and the business."

Mrs Lambert said that long hours were part of showing a commitment to your job and that most people were either pressured into signing the form which waived employees' right to refuse to work more than 48 hours a week or did not realise what they were signing. "The Greens simply argue that the UK adheres to a maximum 48-hour week and, where intensive work has occurred, the employee is given compensatory rest through time off." she added.

Source: TUC Risks

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